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Welcome to the DCC

The Downtown Comeback Club of Stockton (DCC) is committed to the ongoing revitalization of Downtown Stockton. It is our purpose to advocate, network, facilitate, promote a vision and gather & disseminate information.


Meetings are open to everyone and there are no memberships, RSVPS, attendance, fees, fines, dues, songs, or rituals, No stuffing money into a toilet seat or trombone, no obligation to purchase a meal or beverage, AND you may arrive late and leave early!



Read the latest news in and around downtown in our blog. In addition to our own articles, we will share articles written by additional downtown organizations to keep you in the know!


Share your own exciting Downtown Stockton updates in our forum.

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©2023 Downtown Comeback Club of Stockton

Website Designed by Andrea Freelance Marketing

The DCC meets every Thursday morning for breakfast from

7:30-8:30 year round.

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